Google Analytics is a free Web analytics service that provides statistics and basic analytical tools for search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing purposes. The service is available to anyone with a Google account.
Google Analytics features include:
• Data visualization tools including a dashboard, scorecards and motion charts, which display changes in data over time.
• Segmentation for analysis of subsets, such as conversions.
• Custom reports.
• Email-based sharing and communication.
• Integration with other Google products, such as AdWords, Public Data Explorer and Website Optimizer.
9 Awesome Things You Can Do With
Google Analytics
1. See your most important analytics data first.
2. Find out which online campaigns bring the most traffic and conversions.
3. Determine where your best visitors are located.
4. Learn what people are searching for on your site.
5. Visualize what people click on the most.
6. Uncover your top content.
7. Identify your worst performing pages.
8. Determine where people abandon the shopping cart.
9. Discover if you need a mobile site.
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