Wednesday, 7 June 2017

What is ?

What is ?

Canva is a photo utility website which customize different kind of photoes in different resolutions for different website portals like , , instagram , whatsapp , etc.
In you can make different types of customized photoes for posting in Facebook , twitter , whatsapp etc.

Go to CANVA 

Different types of pictures you can make in :-

1. Youtube Thumbnail :-

If you are a Youtuber and making videos for youtube then this website is best for you because you can design awsome thumbnail for youtube videos and post them in the YouTube video.
This website provide you a Proper templet for designing thumbnail for YouTube with exact Height and Width which is required for YouTube thumbnail.
And you will got fallowing feature for designing thumbnail :-
1. Icons
2. Symbols
3. Different Fonts

Go to CANVA 

2. Profile Pictures:-

If you are a facebook or whatsapp user and you are regularly updating your Profile picture then may be sometime it is difficult to have a proper resolutions for profle picture and Proper editing of your photoes.
So you can use for Editing , merging , enhancing your profile picture for your Social Plateforms.

Go to CANVA 

3. Facebook Cover:-

If your facebook cover picture getting old day by day and you are using a google image for your facebook cover photo then this website will going to give many benifits for this picture.
You can customize your own picture according to facebook cover photo  or you can merge different picture in one facebook cover without any problem , just you have to Upload -> Drag -> Drop -> Resize -> Fix thats it . Its all done for your Facebook cover Photo.

Go to CANVA 

4. Website Banner:-

Without your website banner your Website Like Man without hair.
Thats why it is very necessary to design a proper Banner for your Website header and if you are in then you are in a right place because it provide you a Predefined templet for website banner where you can add your logo , your Company name , your Substitle of your company etc.

Go to CANVA 

And lot more templet for your utility are available in this website.

Conclusion :-
If you are a Digital Marketer , Blogger , Website developer , Social media freek , Twitter handler , etc  then is a gold fish for you and for your career . 
So if you are unaware about this website then visit once and I am sure that you will be a great fan of this Website.

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So Bye,Meet you in another Blog Post.

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