But If you want to puchase mobile phone online from web and you are browsing INTERNET so you will going to search " mobile phone " on search bar and you are getting 4,70,00,00,000 results , Oh my god .
One Video is Here which will provide you knowledge about How Internet Works ?
and when you search " Samsung J2 6 android mobile phone india buy online " then It is showing 32,000 result only . This above experiment shows that there is some set rule and critarias for searching your result as you entered different type of keywords , RIGHT !
So, Number of keywords is inverstionally proportional to number of results means If you increase Number of keyword then the number of result will goes down and vice versa.
So here the question arises that how you are going to get the perfect result for your need ?
Today in this blog you will get to know that " How any search engine works ? "
Typically , a Search Engine is made up of 3 different componants :-
1.Web crawler
3.Query Software
1. Web Crawler :-
Web crawler is known by Robot , bot or Spider but these all are same in any search Engine program.
So web crawler is like same as human because they also visit different website and their page as we all do but in very fast manner except the restrited area of Website where crawler is not allowed to crawl.
2. Indexer :-
When Bot or crawler browse different website then it collect different type of information about any website and all these data is organised and go to INDEXER.
3.Query Software :-
It is the third and most important part of Search Engine.It is the front end of search engine to the user from which user type their query to the search box whatever he want to search and click submit button.
When any user searches any query then Search engine matched with the indexed page and shows the Results according to Relevancy of query.
Query -> Matchs with Index of Search Engine -> Analyis the Ranking of Page -> Shows pages according to the Ranking of Pages -> Results
This all above process describe that how any Search Engine works and shows the results to the user according to relevancy of entered query.
Thats all for this blog.
Thankyou very much for Reading this Blog.
See you in next Video.
Bye bye .
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